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30th January 2014
Why drama training can help in business too
My last post about why drama is beneficial prompted some parents to comment on the positive impact attending Perform classes has had on their children. While it's great to receive that feedback, it…
24th September 2013
Why I hate the word Mumpreneur
I really can't stand the term Mumpreneur. If you haven't heard it before, it simply means a Mum who is also...(you guessed it)... an entrepreneur. And, as a Mum who is an entrepreneur myself,…
29th April 2012
When I first started Perform, one of my friends told me that ?staff would be my biggest problem?. She had her own business and said that finding the right people was her main challenge. In many ways,…
4th April 2012
It's the Easter holidays and I'm often asked if this is a nice quiet time for me at Perform. Well, it's definitely quiet in the sense that we only have our holiday workshops running and not…
13th January 2012
12 months. 12 disciples. 12 star signs. 12 years of Perform. On 8th January 2012, Perform was 12 years old and I, for one, can't quite believe it. It was January 8th 2000 when I started my first…
19th December 2011
Thanks to our amazing drama teachers
The last 3 weeks have been extremely busy for me because I've been contracting all our teachers for next term. As you can imagine, with over 200 schools and currently 208 teachers working for Perform,…
10th October 2011
Want to start your own business?
Having set up Perform almost 12 years ago now, I often get asked questions by other Mums who are looking to set up something of their own like ?How did you get the idea to set up the business?? and ?What…
13th July 2011
On January 8th 2000, I opened my first Perform class. Me, a teacher and four children. It went pretty well - all things considered. But, afterwards, when I was talking to the parents about my plans to…
27th October 2010
Productivity 101, or Trying to Work Smarter
Since becoming a parent, I've been increasingly concerned about the amount of time I spend working. It's very difficult to shut off when you run your own business (or indeed to shut off from any…
27th August 2010
Wow - it's been yet another hectic week! No rest for the wicked, eh? This week I've been working hard with our Regional Partner Simon Fielding on developing a new series of training courses for…