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Lucy's blog

Lucy Quick - Principal of Perform

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What does drama bring to people?

2nd October 2014

I know I go on about this in my blogs but drama is SO powerful. I'm aware that some people see drama as a dispensable add-on in schools. An extra-curricular activity that's fun but not educational. At a time of budget cuts and standardised tests I can see why people might fall into this trap. But, I believe it is the wrong approach to see drama in such limited terms.

Recently at my son's  "Meet the Teacher" evening, the teacher took us through the Year 2 curriculum. It reinforced to me that drama isn't included at any point and it really infuriates me. However, this week I received an email from one of the parents with a child at Perform. I only wish I had it to hand when I was at the opening evening or if I ever meet the Education Minister. The parent illustrated everything that drama can give to children...  

When Ben started Perform he was in the 'nurture' group at school and found it difficult to speak in front of the class, even to put his hand up and answer questions. He is now a transformed boy and his teachers tell me he participates fully and is thriving. Two years ago he couldn't stand with the 30 children in his school year to sing songs to the parents. After a year of Perform with Abi he was able to stand right at the front of the stage with just his year group and sing and dance.

We are so grateful to Abi for everything she has done for Ben. I had about 5 mums coming up to me after the performance to comment on his transformation from painfully shy to smiling boogie boy! I know Abi and Perform were key in this transformation. Thank you very much!

There is no magic wand when trying to develop confidence. However, drama nurtures, it adds colour to the monochrome world of modern is powerful. Children can draw on their inner resources to share and act out stories about the world they inhabit. They can learn from characters in plays and the motives which drive them. It helps develop positive body language.

I'd love to hear your views and opinions. If you want to get involved in the debate then feel free to contact me.

Tags: child development, Debate, children, behaviour, parenting, confidence, concentration, drama, communication skills, education